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CDA Deaf Services


Real-Time Captioning

Real-time captioning is a computer assisted note taking which provides a "live" printout of the lecture. This service is provided to Deaf/Hard of Hearing students who do not access the educational environment via manual communication methods (American Sign Language, Conceptually Accurate Signed English, Cued American English, etc.) or in classes that are highly technical.

Contact the Center for Disability & Access at 801-581-5020 for an appointment to discuss accommodations including caption services.


Interpreters are provided to those students who utilize American Sign Language or Cued American English to access the educational environment. Requests for interpreters must be made as far in advance as possible to ensure availability for an event. Interpreters are provided for semester length classes, conferences, meetings with professors, and other activities that require student participation.

Submit request for fastest service

Last Updated: 1/28/25